Sunday, December 14, 2008

Too Much Happening To Think About

Wow! So I just realized how long it's been since I've actually written anything! Life has just been so busy that I don't ever really get to spend much time writing, reading, or any of the things that I love to do for myself...
I'm working at night now (since end of February) and looking after my boys while trying to get some sleep during the day...Needless to say, I've learned to live on even less sleep than usual! LOL We've also had a few things going on in my extended family that has prevented me from even wanting to examine what's going on in my head. I had an adopted niece die suddenly, and I currently have a 3wk old nephew in the hospital recovering from open heart surgery. No wonder I've been too busy and tired to take time for myself..! And I honestly don't think I'm even close to being ready to examine my personal thoughts yet.
I don't really have that much time to go into more details about anything today because my boys are fighting as usual, and I need to play referee, but I just wanted to let myself know that I'm still alive and actually thinking, and that I don't have to feel guilty for taking even 2mins for myself today!!

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