Friday, December 21, 2007

Out of the Mouths of Children...

It's been a while since I've written anything because we've been so busy with Christmas quickly approaching and trying to distract our boys so that they don't open their presents early. My oldest is the only one of the two that actually knows what's going on, and he has already seen his gift (guess he does notice things when we think he's not looking!) but knows that he can't have it until Santa comes. Thank God he listens sometimes!
My oldest son Evan has been really sensitive over the past few months now that his little brother is able to get into more and more things, and most of those things happen to belong to Evan. So, he has started to put his stuff away in such a way so that "Tyler can't get it, Mommy!" Most of those things include his snacks, books, stickers, etc. which we have told him that Tyler can't have. But there's one thing that Evan thought of all on his own...

Last night, when my husband was tucking Evan into bed, he asked his daddy for some "big money" (meaning nickels, dimes, or quarters), so my husband gave him two dimes that he could take to bed with him as long as they didn't go in his mouth. I guess Tyler noticed at that time that Evan was in his room, so he started to crawl over there in order to play with his big brother. Well, when Evan saw him coming, he knew that he had to hide his money or it would end up in Tyler's mouth. The funniest part about this whole story was where Evan decided to hide it: his ears! He quickly placed one dime in each ear (they fit perfectly, too big for his ear canal, but perfect size to stay put!), looked at his daddy and said "Now Tyler don't get my money!" and then sat there to wait for Tyler to come in! We had no idea what to say...even if we could think of anything, we couldn't have said it anyway because we were laughing too hysterically!! Evan really had no idea what was so funny, and sat there with his money in his ears for a few minutes, probably forgetting it was there, until I took it out for him! What do you say to that?!? You can't get him in trouble when he's listening to you and making sure that his little brother couldn't get it. Yet, at the same time, it really isn't the best place for him to be putting money. I'm lost...

If anyone out there can give me some advice on what to do in situations like these, I would really appreciate it because I just don't know. I'm still a young mother, and trying my best, but moments like this confuse me! Help!!!

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Christmas Shopping Nighmare

I've come to the conclusion that there are some mistakes that I just don't learn from! Why do I do this to myself every year?!? I HAVEN'T STARTED MY CHRISTMAS SHOPPING!! And I have a really large family that I need to buy gifts for, some of them in a different province! Every year, right around this time, I wonder how I could have forgotten to start my shopping earlier, like I always promise myself that I'll start to do. And, every year I once again promise myself that I'm going to start early next year. Why am I lying to myself?!? I know that I'm never going to start shopping early, and I know that I'm going to end up having to shop for hours instead of getting it done quickly because I now have to battle the crowds. And, to make it even worse this year, I have two very young and energetic boys to take with me! (Thank God that they have no idea what I'm actually shopping for, and I can fool my 3yr old still by buying it right in front of him, let him see it and miraculously still be able to wrap it up for under the tree). Next year, however...
And it's not just the shopping either. It's the money part too! Once again, I didn't put money aside to save up for Christmas shopping (another broken promise to myself!) and now I'm trying to cut corners on other things to make sure we have enough money to buy the many gifts for our large families! Once again I ask, why do I do this to myself?!?

On a bit of a different note, what happened to the holiday spirit?!? What happened to people wishing everyone they meet "Happy Holidays" and being happy & pleasant? All this month so far, and it's only just begun, I've only met pushy rude people wherever I've gone!! I went shopping today for just a few little things, and I was cut off soo many times, both in the store and on the roads. It's as if everyone is only thinking "me, me, me" and forgets that other people have places to be too! What is it about December that turns normally polite people into ignorant people?

I don't it just me who screws myself over with the shopping and then gets upset with all of the rude people? Maybe it's just because I'm upset with myself for waiting until the last minute that I only think everyone is being rude, when they're simply being just as upset with themselves for doing the same thing...

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Baby Talk

It's funny how sometimes the tiny little things that most people would see as insignificant are the things that make being a mother so worthwhile. I was having such a horrible day today, but then my 8mth old Tyler did the most amazing thing. Before I get too far ahead of myself, however, I should probably give a little history in order for you to understand why it was even more special for me.

When my oldest son Evan was born, I was so excited to see all of the "firsts" that would happen in his life! But, I was soon to be disappointed because it seemed like everyone else got to see them first for one reason or another. My husband was the first person to get Evan to laugh, and for the first week he would only laugh for Daddy. My mother-in-law was the one who noticed Evan's first tooth, even though I had been checking every day and had even checked that same morning. Evan said "da-da" before he said "ma-ma"...that was all he would say for a few weeks, no matter how hard I tried. And I missed the first time that he started walking without stumbling because I had to go back to work. It was upsetting to me to miss all of this, especially being my first child!

So, when Tyler was born, I was determined to be able to experience all of these things first, especially since we discovered what a quick learner he has always been. My husband still got the first laugh one morning when he was letting me sleep in because I was up all night. And Tyler still said "da-da" first (only a few days ago). However, I got to see him crawl and pull himself up to a stand first, and I discovered his first tooth. That still wasn't good enough for me though!

Today, unexpectedly, Tyler gave me a pleasant surprise! While I was busy with Evan getting him dressed, Tyler came crawling up to me saying "mum-mum-mum-mum" with a big smile on his face. Wondering if it was a fluke, I tried to get him to say it again, which of course he didn't (what child does what you want them to do?!?). However, I was not to be disappointed for long! ALL day, Tyler followed me around everywhere I went saying "mum-mum-mum" and pulling on my pant legs. Normally, this would be a little annoying when I'm trying to get things done, but today it was the best sound that I've ever heard!

To anyone else, Tyler learning to do this would seem like such a small thing, especially compared to all of the things that a baby learns in his first year of life. But, to me, it was sweeter than the sound of angels singing in the heavens! Maybe it's just a mother-thing, but I was so excited to be able to FINALLY hear my son say my name (even if he probably has no idea what he's saying!).

Dance to the Music

Sometimes, I wish I could become a little child again! Life was soo much simpler when we were young. We didn't ever have to worry about anything, especially money, and life was always so full of interesting things and surprises. When we wanted to play, we played. When we wanted to eat, we ate. No worrying about schedules or what other people want or think! The whole world was ours to discover!! Yesterday, I was watching my two boys playing together, sharing their toys (which was surprising because they're 3yrs and 8mths!) and having a few good laughs. Shrek was playing on the t.v. but they ignored it because they had eachother and a few cars. Once the movie ended and the karaoke songs came on, they both looked up at the t.v. at the same time and they both started to "Dance to the Music" (which happens to be one of the songs that they sang). It was soo cute to watch, my 3yr old jumping around waving his arms and singing, and my 8mth old laughing and moving his body while sitting on the ground! Such a simple thing, and yet so exciting for children! Why is it that we adults tend to forget to do the same? We are forever thinking about everything that we need to do, bills that we need to pay, places we need to go, people we need to call, etc. But the one most important thing that we forget is to enjoy the simpler things in life! So, as you read this short and simple thought, I want you to take one thing from it. Take the time to really open your eyes and look at the beautiful world around us because God created it for us to enjoy! And when you see or hear something interesting, make sure that you take the time to really watch and listen. And don't forget to "Dance to the Music" all around us!