Friday, December 21, 2007

Out of the Mouths of Children...

It's been a while since I've written anything because we've been so busy with Christmas quickly approaching and trying to distract our boys so that they don't open their presents early. My oldest is the only one of the two that actually knows what's going on, and he has already seen his gift (guess he does notice things when we think he's not looking!) but knows that he can't have it until Santa comes. Thank God he listens sometimes!
My oldest son Evan has been really sensitive over the past few months now that his little brother is able to get into more and more things, and most of those things happen to belong to Evan. So, he has started to put his stuff away in such a way so that "Tyler can't get it, Mommy!" Most of those things include his snacks, books, stickers, etc. which we have told him that Tyler can't have. But there's one thing that Evan thought of all on his own...

Last night, when my husband was tucking Evan into bed, he asked his daddy for some "big money" (meaning nickels, dimes, or quarters), so my husband gave him two dimes that he could take to bed with him as long as they didn't go in his mouth. I guess Tyler noticed at that time that Evan was in his room, so he started to crawl over there in order to play with his big brother. Well, when Evan saw him coming, he knew that he had to hide his money or it would end up in Tyler's mouth. The funniest part about this whole story was where Evan decided to hide it: his ears! He quickly placed one dime in each ear (they fit perfectly, too big for his ear canal, but perfect size to stay put!), looked at his daddy and said "Now Tyler don't get my money!" and then sat there to wait for Tyler to come in! We had no idea what to say...even if we could think of anything, we couldn't have said it anyway because we were laughing too hysterically!! Evan really had no idea what was so funny, and sat there with his money in his ears for a few minutes, probably forgetting it was there, until I took it out for him! What do you say to that?!? You can't get him in trouble when he's listening to you and making sure that his little brother couldn't get it. Yet, at the same time, it really isn't the best place for him to be putting money. I'm lost...

If anyone out there can give me some advice on what to do in situations like these, I would really appreciate it because I just don't know. I'm still a young mother, and trying my best, but moments like this confuse me! Help!!!


Dawn Drover said...

It's hard not to laugh when they're being sooo cute! Maybe you can get him a piggy bank? He might like the idea of hiding his money from his baby brother!
Happy Holidays!

Michelle said...

We tried the piggy bank idea, but then he keeps asking us to open it so he can play with it! He used to have quite a bit of money, and now we just keep finding it in his bed and everywhere else. I know that we shouldn't have started letting him play with it, but we honestly didn't think it would turn into a problem...